UK Excel Developer? Confer!

Should somehow missed it thus far, an Event is forthcoming in London in July: the

UK Excel Developer Conference

has been announced for Monday 12th July 2010.

Location: Skills Matter Exchange, just North of the City (map), at 116-120 Goswell Road, London EC1V 7DP

Registration a very reasonable looking £150+VAT (£50 more in the final week).

Speakers to include Simon “Smurf” Murphy, performance guru Charles Williams, and Excel’s own podcast-jockey, Ross McLean.

The agenda is packed – heavily targeted at the serious end of the Excel development spectrum: extension strategies, automation, performance and the like. I’d expect there to be much useful learning-type information to be acquired, both in session and during the breaks.

If it makes you more likely to attend, I plan on being there. (If that thought makes you less likely to attend, pretend I didn’t say that.)