My (Im)perfect Cousin?

in which we start to worry about the source of our inspiration
Mona Lisa Vito: So what’s your problem?
Vinny Gambini: My problem is, I wanted to win my first case without any help from anybody.
Lisa: Well, I guess that plan’s moot.
Vinny: Yeah.
Lisa: You know, this could be a sign of things to come. You win all your cases, but with somebody else’s help. Right? You win case, after case, – and then afterwards, you have to go up somebody and you have to say- “thank you“! Oh my God, what a fuckin’ nightmare!

It is one of the all-time great movies, and netted Marisa Tomei an Oscar in the process. Yes it is. It really is1.

Not only that, but My Cousin Vinny2 throws up parallels in real life all the time. Yes it does. It really does3.

Why only recently, I was puzzling over the best (or least worst) way to implement a particularly nonsensical requirement for an intransigent client. After summarising the various unpalatable options in an email, a reply arrived from a generally unproductive source. The message content made it obvious that he’d somewhat missed the point but the conclusion he drew from that misunderstanding triggered a new thought process that gave us a new, even less, er, worser solution to our problem.

Sadly, my unwitting muse has moved on now, but he left his mark for all time4 on our latest product. I suppose he should also take partial credit for the creation of a hitherto unknown development methodology: Powerpoint-Driven Development, but that’s a story for another day.

1 All right, IMHO
2 See also My Cousin Vinny At Work, application of quotes therefrom
4 Or at least until we have a better idea and change the whole damn thing

This Wheel Goes To Eleven

(in which we make an unexpected connection regarding the D in SOLID and get all hot under the collar about it)

Let’s not beat about the bush: I think I may have reinvented Dependency Injection. While it looks rather casual, stated like that, I’ve actually spent much of the last six months doing it. (Were you wondering? Well, that.)

I’ve been designing/building/testing/ripping apart/putting back together again a library/app/framework/tool thing that allows us to assemble an asset allocation algorithm for each of our ten or so products1, each of which may have been modified at various times since inception. It’s been interesting and not a little fun, plus I’ve been climbing the C# learning curve (through the three versions shipped since my last serious exposure) like Chris Bonnington on amphetamines.

Our products are broadly similar but differ in detail in some places. So there’s lots of potential for reuse, but no real hierarchy (if you can see a hierarchy in the little chart here, trust me, it’s not real).

So Product A need features 1, 2 & 3, in that order. B needs 1 & 4, C 1, 3 & 5, etc. What I came up with was to encapsulate each feature in a class, each class inheriting from a common interface. Call it IFeature or some such. At run-time, I can feed my program an XML file (or something less ghastly perhaps) that says which classes I need (and potentially the assemblies in which they may be found), applying the wonder that is System.Reflection to load the specified assembles and create instances of the classes I need, storing them in, for example, a List<IFeature>. To run my algorithm, all I need to do is call the method defined in my interface on each object in turn. A different product, or a new version of an existing one has a different specification and it Should Just Work.

It’s all very exciting.

So changing a single feature of an existing product means writing one new class that implements the standard interface and pointing the product definition at the library that contains the new class (which may – should – be different from those already in use).

The discerning reader may, er, discern that there are elements of Strategy and Command patterns in here as well. Aren’t we modern?

While all this is very exciting (to me at least – a profound and disturbing symptom of work-life imbalance) it’s still not the end of the line. I’ve built functions and then chosen to access them serially, relying on carefully (or tricky & tedious) XML definitions to dictate sequence. I’m thinking that I can go a long way further into declarative/functional territory, possibly gaining quite a bit. And there’s a whole world of Dynamic to be accessed plus Excel and C++ interfaces of varying degrees of sexiness to be devised .

More on much of that when I understand it well enough to say something.

1 There are billions at stake, here, billions I tell you.

That Do Impress Me Much

Over at stackoverflow, now that they have a pile of money to spend invest, the rate of change is picking up. There’s the re-worked stack exchange model, which has changed dramatically – and quite likely for the better. They’ve moved away from the original paid-for hosted service to a community-driven process, whereby a community needs to form and commit to the idea of a new site. The objective is to improve the prospects of achieving critical mass for a new site, thus increasing its chances of success. I imagine a revenue model is mooted, although it may be little more than “if we build it, they will come” at present. Sponsored tags and ads spring to mind.

This week we’ve seen the covers removed (perhaps for a limited time initially) on a “third place“, to go with the existing main Q&A and “meta” (questions about the Q&A site). It’s a chat room. Well, lots of chat rooms of varying degrees of focus, to be more specific. Quite nicely done, too.

What has really impressed me has been that during this “limited sneak beta preview”, bugs, issues, feature requests and the like have been flowing through the interface at a fair rate of knots and many have been addressed and released within hours. Minutes, sometimes.

Think about it. User detects a bug, reports it and gets a fix, to an application with global reach, in a couple of hours or less. That’s agile.

A crucial part of Lean movement in manufacturing (and its younger counterpart in software development) is eliminating waste. “Waste” is broadly defined, very broadly defined, in fact, but one easily identifiable component is Work In Progress (WIP). In software terms, this often represents effort that has been invested (and money that’s been tied up) without having been included in a release. The more we invest effort without release the more we’re wasting, since we have no possibility of obtaining a return on that investment.

Here’s a particularly quick find/fix from earlier today:

Yes, it was probably a trivial bug, but the problem was notified, found, fixed and released in eight frickin’ minutes. How many of us can turn anything around that fast?

I’m looking forward to seeing where this goes.

Do Wednesday mornings get much better?

Do I give Lotus Notes enough love? Does it deserve any? To be honest, it doesn’t get any at all from me. In fact, most of the time I hate it with a passion bordering on clinical insanity.

Occasionally, though, there’s a little ray of metaphorical sunshine.

Holy Crepuscularity, Batman!

I’ve posted before on the joy of the tooltip that is perfectly informative and yet utterly useless at the same time.

It’s seemed as if Lotus (or IBM) have a standard that requires icons to have a tooltip, but the designers leave it to the developers to figure out what text should be displayed in the tooltips themselves. (Actually, they probably don’t call them “tooltips” at all, what with the snazzy comic-book voice-bubble shape and everything). If the developers are nine-to-five cubicle drones then they’re going to exercise minimum levels of creative thought and frankly, the feeble result is less than surprising.

The other day I spotted two more closely-related gems, again offering a beautifully terse description of what they are, when I was rather hoping to discover what they mean. Cue vocal expressions of Joy.

Here’s the first:

It’s clearly a “Collapsed Twistie Icon” and I’m glad they were able to make it so clear. What it signifies is less transparent, neither does my mouse pointer change shape to give me any clue as to whether or not something might happen should I be brave enough to click on it. Some icons, such as the “Message replied to Icon”, for example, do nothing, mutely displaying their feebly-composed tooltip (how about “you replied to this message” as a more useful alternative, perhaps wirh a click taking you to the reply?)

I clicked. Turns out this indicates that there’s a threaded “conversation” to be displayed and my action causes the thread to be expanded. What do you think the icon changes to?


My Mother Would Be So Proud

(stackoverflow rep: 10,038, Project Euler 96/283 complete)

(in which it transpires that I’ve been something creative all along)

Perhaps because I don’t speak Swedish very well (for values of “very well” that are exactly equal to “at all”) I didn’t notice this blog post until today, when I came across it in a link from a comment on post in a blog that I do read.

Earlier this week I was struggling to impress upon a colleague that I thought that he should write some code instead of spending additional time “getting a complete understanding of all the issues” and “acquiring a good knowledge of the technical framework”. I wondered if it was some deficiency in my communication “skills” – and that could very well be the case – but I’m starting to think that we have very different views on the purpose of code, perhaps because he’s from an academic mathematical background and I’m just an old hacker. I think he sees the code-writing process as the final expression of his understanding of a problem, where I use code to develop that understanding. Not surprisingly, within our problem domain I think I have the more appropriate model. Anyway, I outrank him…

Maybe it’s an Internet phenomenon (or more likely just human nature) that the same idea (meme?) is rediscovered on a regular basis. I remember reading – and being influenced by – a similar article several years ago. A quick search threw up an even older article making a similar point. Yes, even almost 20 years ago, the transition from source to executable was relatively cheap.

If we view the act of writing source code as part of the design of the program and not part of the build, then we move further away from the commonly-applied physical engineering metaphor and this is no bad thing. It doesn’t take much mental effort: any substantial change in the design of a building is likely to be immensely expensive after the building is constructed, whereas rebuilding a whole program or application is relatively cheap once the design (source) has been updated. Once you get to web apps, where even deployment is almost free, then you’re a long way from the building site.

Further, if we see coding as design, then the notion of starting small and enhancing iteratively, tidying (refactoring) as we go becomes a much more obviously good thing. To my mind, at least.

So – look Ma! I’m a designer!

What Time Is It? Bah.

It’s a long time since I last wrote about Lotus Notes and the unlimited joy that is its, er, idiosyncratic interface, not least since IBM’s decision1 to host the client in Eclipse.

Too long, really – it’s such a rich source of oddness. For example, today I recevied an invitation to join some colleagues (located in Frankfurt) in a video conference. The heading in the message informed me that:


Which seemed a little odd, since a quick phone call earlier had seen some time on Wednesday morning identified as the preferred time. No matter, I opened the message to accept the invitation (it’s not clear why I couldn’t do that from the inbox/preview, but I can’t). Clicking “Accept” put the meeting into my calendar:


Whoops! Well, it was more in keeping with what I expected. To settle myself, I went for a coffee (you can tell Christmas is coming, btw: Starbucks are using the Red Cups). When I got back, Notes had been busy – the Inbox message now had this:


OK, it’s now accurate, but I’m not sure how I feel about a message being modified in any way after I’ve opened and read it.

Of course, we’re 0.5 of a release behind the current version, so maybe stuff like this has been fixed by now.




The BBC reports that, in an Australian Science magazine article, an Australian psychology expert “who has been studying emotions has found being grumpy makes us think more clearly”.


To which I can only say “hmph”.


1 I’d love to have been a fly on the wall at that meeting.


The Hard Way

(stackoverflow rep: 7284, Project Euler 83/252 complete)

My main work PC was upgraded to IE7 yesterday. That’s one less IE6-infected machine to worry about. Unrelated to that (I suppose) is that the Aventail VPN product that I have to use each day decided it wanted to upgrade. I’m still trying to figure out how to make that work on IE7 but fortunately I also have an older machine that seems to have been immune to the upgrade, so I switched to that.

After some back-and-forth, I saw the happy news that this was happening:

All going acording to plan?

All going according to plan?

While this was cogitating, a message popped up, partially obscured by the progress dialog. So I moved it. The dialog, that is, not the message. And I saw this:


Dude, where's my progress bar?

How confused must the developer of this part of the installer have been to have built the progress bar as an entirely separate window? And how much more difficult must it have been to do it that way? I amused myself dragging the main dialog all over my desktop while the progress bar stayed resolutely where it was until the install completed.

Johnny 99

Sometimes I write legacy code. There, I’ve said it. The secret’s out, the dirty laundry’s aired and the cat’s out of Pandora’s box.

I don’t think it makes me a bad person. I understand the value of tests, especially in the highly incremental development world I currently inhabit, and I strive to use tests to drive my code. Sometimes it doesn’t happen, for many reasons, none of which I’m proud of, such as my Excel test framework being a little clumsy, there not being anyone around me to nag, the “quick” change that turns into just a little more uncovered code than I expected (but it works and the user needs it Right Now).

I understand that all that code sitting in the wild in an uncovered state is Legacy and represents an accumulation of Technical Debt that will have to be repaid. By me.

It’s not that code without tests is necessarily bad. I mean, heck, even Kent Beck sometimes flies without a safety net. If it’s write-once-and-throw-away code, then there’s an argument for just getting it done. But honestly, how often does that code get resurrected months, maybe years later? It’s when code needs to be changed, often requiring some refactoring in the process, that the absence of that warm, covered-by-tests feeling starts to be felt.

Still there, still doing a job, but just try changing it...

Still there, still doing a job, but just try changing it...

The trouble with beginning to repay technical debt is that interest tends to accrue, compounded, at some arbitrary (but almost always positive) rate. So no matter how trivial the original untest-covered change seems to have been, the longer you leave it, the more unpleasantness tends to have accreted around it by the time you come back to it. I suppose there’s always the possibility that you’ll come back to discover a glistening pearl, but in my programming life I’ve never returned to anything other than a thick coating of rust.

Worse than that, getting the encrusted nodule of code under test usually turns out to be painful: it’s seldom structured as it would have been had tests been used in the first place, so unwanted and hard-to-separate interdependencies are rife and the whole thing becomes, well, a bit tricky.

I’d been meaning to buy Michael Feathers‘ “Working Effectively with Legacy Code” for years and recently got around to buying it. Scott Hanselman’s interview last week with Mr Feathers was a serendipitous bonus. The book, even for non-Java or C++ programmers, is excellent, full of practical advice on how to break things up in a way that can let you get tests around the locus of change. In fact, when you see how just plain nasty working with C++ code can be, working with code in any other language starts to look like a breeze.

I wish I’d read the book earlier.

Lazing On A Sunny Afternoon

(stackoverflow rep: 2906, Project Euler 59/230 complete)

Below (lightly edited) is a recent answer to a question on StackOverflow. The question is pretty much a waste of time, but what an answer!

Laziness is indeed the first of the Three Programming Virtues, but it is misunderstood. Programming Perl defines it well:

* LAZINESS: The quality that makes you go to great effort to reduce overall energy expenditure.

Good programming calls for laziness, but laziness requires hard work. Good programmers must constantly think of and implement new ways to be lazy. The first compiler had to be written in assembly, and the first assembler had to be written in machine language. Wonderfully lazy, but hard. You don’t get to call it a day after an hour just because what used to take a day takes an hour.

That’s about as close to an encapsulation of my personal programming philosophy as I’ve ever seen. The virtue of Laziness is closely related, if not identical to the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) Principle as espoused by the Pragmatic Programmers in The Pragmatic Programmer.

(I just found myself wondering if there’s a way to refactor that last sentence to remove some of the duplication)

Laziness - all I have to do is this...

Laziness - all I have to do is this...

The idea behind xlUnit (which has been languishing somewhat since being codeplexed in, good grief, September) was to minimise the amount of manual repetition involved in testing Excel/VBA code as it is developed. As a useful side-effect, it also made TDD (Test-Driven Design, or Development, depending on your choice of definition) possible. A fair amount of the code complexity of the framework is involved in eliminating repetitive manual tasks such as test class creation.

There are only three significant UI-level entry points in xlUnit as it stands: application creation (used rarely, only about once per app) class creation, used rather more often, and test execution, which is used all the time. Oh, and there’s a little “Options” dialog, but it only has one setting and that’s not really very interesting so we’ll gloss over that.

Since the first two things are used relatively infrequently, I tucked them away on a menu, whereas the test execution, which is an all-the-time thing, gets a toolbar button. I could have been fancier with that, but I never got past the simple text “Run Tests”, which had the extra benefit of giving a larger target area for the mouse.

...and I get this for free.

...and I get this for free.

There is no interface within the VBE, which is most definitely a shortcoming. To be honest, I only even tried briefly (failing, obviously) to get it to work: with a dual screen setup, which my working environment has had for the best part of a decade, both workbook and VBA are usually visible, so I can get to the “Run” button easily enough. For a similar reason, there is no built-in keyboard shortcut at present. Of course, in Excel 2007, it’s all a bit of a mess. I have the (massive) RibbonX book, by the way, I just need the intestinal fortitude to sit down and read it.

The “Create Testable Application” and “Create Testable Class” routines both live in the add-in itself and are located within UserAccessibleEntryPoints.bas. I’ll come back to “Run Tests” another time – not only was it a bit tricky but I have some new ideas that would make it even trickier.

Choosing to create an application causes a throwaway instance of the xlUnitCodeBuilder class to create a workbook and its tester and create references from the tester to both the application (so it can call classes there) and the framework (so it can use the framework). The same class contains the code to create new classes. I think I put the functions together because they’re about building code but I don’t think I’ve achieved very good separation of concerns here: there’s workbook creation and test class creation and they would probably be better off being separated. Since there’s work to do with Excel 2007 anyway, I think I’ll refactor that bit next time it’s open.

I mentioned “throwaway instance” above without explanation: it’s a way I describe this VB pattern:

    With New UsefulClassThatDoesntReallyNeedToBeDimmed
        .DoSomethingSimilarlyDeep "AndMeaningful"
    End With

Is there a more “standard” way to describe this? Something using “anonymous” perhaps? Anyway, I use it a lot (and I’m now fervently hoping that no-one points out some awful risk that I’m running as a consequence) as it’s a way to get part of the economy of class (“static” methods in Java or C#, where the word means something rather different than in VBA) method.

[Wi|Ga]dgets – what’s the use?

(stackoverflow rep: 2539, Project Euler 47/227 complete)

Gadgets? We don’t need no stinking gadgets!

Microsoft, Yahoo! and Google, to name but three proponents, each have a desktop widget (or gadget, or whatever) model, either providing stuff spread out all over your Windows (are OSX and other *nix environments similarly afflicted?) desktop or tucked away in a “Sidebar”. These handy-dandy little applets provide information on such vitally otherwise hard-to-get functions such as:

  • The weather (for those not in sight of a window?);
  • RSS feeds (for those who want to read their feeds in a 2″x1″ window);
  • An e-mail notifier (because you still don’t understand the meaning of ‘asynchronous’);
  • The time (for those who can’t read the little digital clock on their taskbar and who don’t own a watch);
  • A calculator (because the world needs another computer desktop calculator);
  • Resource usage monitors (so you can tell your computer isn’t running slow);
  • A mediocre controller for your media player (because media players don’t have minimised controls … oh, yes they do);
  • Teeny-tiny picture viewers (for when flickr is just too much detail)
  • Out-of-date stock tickers (so you can see in delayed real-time how much poorer you are today)

… you get the idea.

Even better, all these are neatly tucked away on a “sidebar” (a sort of non-window window) or even better, spread out all over the shop, which is exactly what you want on a two- or three-screen setup. And they’re all handily concealed beneath the applications you’re running at any time. You know, those stupid time-wasters like Outlook, Excel, Firefox, Word, Visual Studio, a couple of Explorers and a database utility or two.


What we seem to have here are a collection of (sometimes) graphically pleasing little applications that deliver functionality available elsewhere, each having one or more of the following drawbacks:

  • Always-present, seldom needed;
  • Inadequate functionality;
  • Duplicate of something that’s already fit-for-purpose;
  • Pointless eye-candy;
  • Invisible.


Looking at Yahoo!’s programming category, I find that the most popular has been downloaded 80,000 times. It’s a widget that performs geolocation for a given IP address. With a flag. I’m trying to imagine a situation where I (or anyone) would need that often enough to abandon a browser-based function, opting for a desktop-resident applet against a “proper” application because I don’t need it that much. I don’t exactly see the “programming” connection either, come to think.

Yahoo programming widget downloads as at 12-Jan-2009

Data as at 12-Jan-2009

I’m probably not being fair – I thought the most useful stuff would be written for programmers. What does it look like overall? I can’t tell much from Google’s list because they don’t give download stats, although sorting by popularity shows the expected four C’s (clock, climate, calculator, calendar). So back to Yahoo! where the current Number One, with a snappy 4.5 million downloads, is Yahoo! Weather. In fact, as I write this, a whopping six widgets have passed the million mark. Only two are clocks.

Oh look - Microsoft Sidebar does weather too

Oh look - Microsoft Sidebar does weather too

The highlights of a quick-and-dirty breakdown of the top 100 are 19 fun-and-games, 15 system monitor thingies, 14 clocks, 9 calendars, 8 media players, 7 weather reports, 6 post-it notes, 5 gold rings. Very similar to the Google list. I was too depressed to look at Microsoft’s in any detail, but it’s the same ol’ same ol’, although their weather widget claims over 22 million downloads. I’m guessing it’s downloaded automatically when a Vista PC connects to the Internet…

Number one Google gadget - because you can never have too many clocks

Number one Google gadget - because you can never have too many clocks

I’m not getting it. Looks like many others aren’t either. The numbers of people who come back to provide a rating are miniscule: about 7,000 for the weather app. About 0.16%

Apart from the shocking paucity of imagination in the applets themselves, what’s wrong with the whole idea? (IMHO, of course, YMMV).

Real estate is Precious

There are people out there who have enough monitors to be able to allocate space for widgets. Two 1280×1024 screens isn’t enough for me though. Utility drops to almost zero if the things aren’t always available. Google make things worse by allowing applets to live anywhere on the desktop. Stuff needs to go in a sidebar that manages window maximisation to keep itself visible. So it needs to be on the right- or left-most monitor, unless you’re prepared to give up on dual-screen workbooks. For the average user, the bar needs to be a lot narrower than at present to be tolerable. Somewhere between, say, 25 and 50 pixels? I could live with that.

Useful vs Pretty

Useful doesn’t always win. Useful-but-ugly often doesn’t get past “Go”, whereas Pretty at least gets a chance. Long-term, it’s got to have both: too much of what’s on offer seems to be limited to pretty useless.

To offer a compelling argument against rapid deletion, applets have to either provide something in a better way than is currently available or provide something that isn’t available at all elsewhere . Example: there is a Ruby script that allows, from the command line, simple copying of files to an Amazon S3 bucket. Useful. Maybe we could have a widget (maybe it already exists, but I couldn’t find one) that allows upload via drag-and-drop from Explorer. That would be better than what’s already available. Something I can’t do at all except via cut and paste is store stuff in Google Notebook. A drag-and-drop gadget to simplify that would be providing something I can’t do at all.


I don’t know that I have one. There are several similar implementations of a desktop XML/Javascript applet technology that has a lot of money invested in it. Well, I don’t know how much exactly, but I bet I’d be a happy old programmer if you’d given it all to me instead. And you might as well have done exactly that, for all the benefit mankind appears to be accruing. It ought to be good for something, oughtn’t it?