Buddy, Can You Paradigm?

(stackoverflow rep: 8998, Project Euler 89/273 complete

(or: “If Paradigm was half as nice”)

I started reading Coders At Work recently. In the style of a few predecessors, the book comprises transcribed (and presumably edited) interviews with fifteen programmers who have made significant contributions of various kinds. It’s a weighty tome, possibly a little overweight if I’m honest, but interesting nonetheless; it makes a change from the kind of technical tome I usually cart around on the daily commute.

Circling a little closer to, and nodding vaguely in the general direction of the point, interviewee number seven, reached just this morning, is Simon Peyton Jones, who was one of the progenitors of Haskell, one of, if not the first name that springs to mind when one hears “functional programming“. For the last decade, Jones has been a researcher at Microsoft Research in Cambridge, which suggests that he would have had at least one finger in the F# pie… There’s a DotNetRocks show number 310 features an interview with the man, by the way. I’m enviously disturbed that despite our very similar ages, he appears considerably less follicly-challenged than me, although there could be some comb-over action going on there.

In the taxonomy of programming paradigms (does that make sense?) we have Declarative and Imperative. They are opposites. In the Declarative fold, we get stuff like SQL, XSLT, all the functional languages and, I submit Excel worksheets. Actually it’s not just me: that Wikipedia link places spreadsheet cell-based programming within the Dataflow subcategory of Functional. Imperative programming, on the other hand, includes the panoply of more “traditional” languages, including good old Visual Basic and its slightly less functional sibling VBA.

Thinking about Excel and VBA developement, I’d say there are several fairly distinct uses for VBA code (usually, but not exclusively: we can write add-ins or perform automation in plenty of other ways) which include:

  • New worksheet functions;
  • Interface extensions (menus, toolbars, ribbons etc);
  • Helpers (or wizards);
  • Control and simulation

…of which I write a lot of the latter two.

(You know how some comedians talk about a string of seemingly unrelated things and then cleverly tie them all together at the end? Well, fingers crossed, stay tuned)

A while back, I was handed a workbook, developed by an external consultancy, that modelled the 20-year evolution of a financial product. We wanted to run it across a significant number of stochastic market data simulations to get a picture of the distribution of possible outcomes. About 30,000 such simulations (and about 16GB of simulated market data) would be sufficient, we thought. The workbook took about 20 minutes to perform one such calculation. We didn’t have a year.

Fortunately, there were any number of classic optimisation failures to rectify: massive VBA/worksheet interaction at the cell level (changed to use large arrays), screen update enabled at all times, lots of less painful VBA-specific stuff, Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic, you know the drill. Easy stuff. Within a day it was taking about a minute and I could look at having the whole analysis done in under a week (I have a four-CPU machine).

If it all seems straightforward, it wasn’t. I’d wrapped the workbook in a modified (hacked-up from xlUnit) test jacket to check that my changes weren’t affecting the results, pretty much a necessity for any refactoring work, and one change kept breaking. Every time I tried to switch off automatic calculation, triggering it only when I thought it was needed, the final results came out different. I finally realised that the VBA and worksheet were extremely highly-coupled – calculations were occurring as the code pushed values through: change a value, auto-calc, change another value, auto-calc again and so on. Eek. It took almost a week to unravel. Of course, since I actually enjoy doing this kind of work for the most part, it wasn’t a complete disaster, but I could have lived without the time pressure…

As a finance worker (perversely, I’m increasingly inclined to describe myself as a Banker1 these days) I have cause, from time to time, to access The Bloomberg from Excel. At least one of the functions in the (extensive and powerful, let’s be fair) API is a real functional-imperative mess. Here’s one with which I’m not at all happy:

=BDH("MXWO", "PX_LAST", "01/06/2007", "28/12/2009", "Dir=V", "Dts=S", "Sort=A", "Quote=C", "QtTyp=Y", "Days=T", "Per=cd", "DtFmt=D", "cols=2;rows=672", "FX=EUR")

Yes, there are a lot of arguments2, but most are at least not positional, which shows they’re trying. This particular example asks for the last daily quote of the MSCI World Index, in Euro, between the dates given. Even better, I guess, there’s a wizard to generate it all for you. But here’s the nasty bit: the call fills as many rows – without warning about overwrites – as it needs. Oh, and that "cols=2;rows=672" parameter? It’s rewritten if you make any change that would affect the number of cells output. This is not easy to accomplish. Try duplicating the effect in VBA, go on, I double-dare you. I think there’s a separate server process at work here, able to make asynchronous (but timely) modifications to user worksheets.

Yikes. And ugh.

To me, there’s something broken here. They’re using am apparently functional programming model but allowing the code to affect the state of the worksheet in (from the user’s perspective at least) a rather arbitrary (or at least, unpredictable) way. We’re not even getting an array formula here – the function just causes chunks of worksheet to be filled with data. In point of fact, there looks to have been some serious programming work here – I don’t think in the normal course of events that calling a function is allowed to cause areas outside the calling range to be modified. I rather suspect an external process is being asked to pump values into the sheet through some devious means like (but let’s hope it isn’t) DDE.

(This is where I try to pull it all together. A little encouragement wouldn’t go amiss here…)

The fact that we have both paradigms represented as first-class components of a single development platform may be a large part of the reason for Excel’s dominance in the marketplace. But the interface between declarative and imperative code needs to be carefully managed to avoid the kind of unnecessary side-effects that I spent so long untangling.

The messed-up simulation I whined about above failed to recognise that the worksheets should have been, in effect, a great big, super-complex function, which the code used by setting up the input conditions, firing off a Calculate and then reading the output values. Instead, it tried to implement a tightly-coupled declarative-imperative abomination, with unfortunate results.

Let’s try not to repeat that mistake, for the sake of the children.

I’ve been (and remain) grumpy – thank you and good night.

You've been a lovely audience

1 Wanna make something of it?

2 Many Reuters functions do something similar, but push all the key-value pairs into a long string.


(stackoverflow rep: 7576, Project Euler 83/257 complete)
In my band days we called it "Gaffer"

In my band days we called it "Gaffer"

Reading Joel’s1 Duct-Tape Programmer article this morning (in the interests of full disclosure I should admit without additional prevarication that I have a large roll of “Duck” tape in the second drawer of my desk as I type) one sentence smacked me metaphorically between the eyes:

“Shipping is a feature”

I was transported back a couple of decades to the time when the bank for whom I was then working discovered that it was building not one but two settlement systems (the things that ensure that what traders agree should happen actually does) in two locations: London and Zurich. In London we were targeting our DEC VAX/Oracle platform, while the Swiss were designing with their local Tandem Non-Stop installation. And we’d both have gotten away with it if it hadn’t been for that meddling CEO…

It was decreed that The Wise Men (external auditors) be appointed to review the two projects and pronounce which should live and which should consign its members to the dole queue.

The Wise Ones duly decamped to Zurich to spend a few weeks working through the cabinets of meticulously-detailed standards-compliant design documentation that had been lovingly crafted over the past several months, with coding about to start. Then they came to see us. It didn’t look so good.

dried-up and crusty now...

dried-up and crusty now...

What documentation we had was months old (from a previous, aborted start of the waterfall) and coated in Tipp-Ex. Remember the white error-correction fluid we used all the time back in the 20th Century? When we still wrote “memos”? After a week of vagueness and frustration a set of presentations were scheduled for the Friday, at which we proposed to try to fill in the gaps.



London won.

Yay us, but how? On most objective measurements we were deficient when compared with our continental rivals, even we agreed on that. But on that Friday afternoon, I got to stand up to summarise the differences, positive and negative between the two projects, as seen by the London team. I think what may have swung it was the part where I got to say “our system has been settling trades since 3 o’clock this morning”.

In about nine months, one team had done everything by the Book (don’t know the title, but I bet it had “Structured” in it) and had reached the point where they had, well, a book. Lots of books, in fact – they’d worked really hard. In the same time, we built a system and even better, shipped it. I don’t think anyone had written any Agile books by then – even if they had, we hadn’t read them.

Our team hadn’t done an awful job by any means, you understand: there’d been a few weeks of up-front requirement-gathering/scoping.  We had a massive data model that we Tipp-Exed down to the minimum needed. We had an outline architecture that, through luck or judgement, proved to be appropriate. Probably best of all, though, we sat with our users while we built their system. Better, as we built different features we moved around so we were always within speaking distance of our domain expert (I don’t think we’d done the whole “domain” thing then – we just called them “users”). So  we seldom got very far off track while stuff got built, and we were, with hindsight, feature-driven and relatively lowly-coupled/highly cohesive at the component level, all Good Things. Mostly written in COBOL, too.

Looking back, we were lucky: we didn’t manage to repeat the magic and fell back into time and cost overruns with the next couple of large projects. At least we were still being paid, unlike our erstwhile colleagues in Switzerland.

1 I call him by his first name because we share so much; we’re only a few slots apart on page 13 of StackOverflow as I write this. Page-mates, don’t you know.

A Lot From A Little

As may well become apparent over time, I’m not too enthusiastic about Lotus Notes. It’s fair to say that, had I remembered that my current employer is a corporate Notes user, I would have tried to negotiate a higher salary by way of compensation.

Be that as it may, for a developer Notes is a glorious nugget-laden river of blogging opportunities. The client software on my work PC was recently upgraded to version 8.0.1, which seems pretty current. I think, therefore, that it’s fair game.

Let’s look at one aspect that I noticed and delve a bit. In a mail folder, there are columns, as you would expect, some of which use small graphics to provide information. It’s a common UI metaphor. These are the column headings I see:

Lotus Notes message list headers

Lotus Notes message list headers

Nothing surprising there, I think we’d all agree. Look at the paperclip toward the right side. What would you expect it to denote? If you muttered “attachment” then award yourself a small non-monetary prize.

A slightly harder question, now: what would you expect to see when a message has an attachment? A paperclip? Another prize. Moving swiftly on, and for the hat-trick, what do you expect to see if you hover your mouse pointer over such a paperclip icon? Something like “1 attachment(s)” or “114K attachment enclosed” or some such? Whoops, hit the bar.

What you get is this:

Perfectly accurate and perfectly useless


…which, I trust we can all agree, is exactly what it is. Perfectly accurate and utterly useless.

What can we glean, in a sort of software-archaeological sense, from this? I’m thinking we can make the following predictions, in vaguely ascending order of likelihood:

  1. Within the Notes team at IBM there’s a standard that says non-textual elements should have tool-tips (or whatever the Eclipse/Java name for such things is).
  2. If there was a formal specification for this element of the program, it was incomplete. Or worse, the spec’s author thought “Paperclip Icon” was appropriate and nobody thought to question it.
  3. QA within Notes is non-existent or pitifully understaffed.
  4. The Notes development team is woefully inexperienced and/or has very little interest in delivering a quality product, choosing instead to ship a (bad) copy of Outlook (which has its own flaws, let’s not deny it) to institutions who have yet to acquire the corporate gumption to obliterate it.
  5. The Notes team don’t eat their own dogfood, for email at least. Let’s face it, who would?

Which is quite a lot for one funny little tooltip.