The Hard Way

(stackoverflow rep: 7284, Project Euler 83/252 complete)

My main work PC was upgraded to IE7 yesterday. That’s one less IE6-infected machine to worry about. Unrelated to that (I suppose) is that the Aventail VPN product that I have to use each day decided it wanted to upgrade. I’m still trying to figure out how to make that work on IE7 but fortunately I also have an older machine that seems to have been immune to the upgrade, so I switched to that.

After some back-and-forth, I saw the happy news that this was happening:

All going acording to plan?

All going according to plan?

While this was cogitating, a message popped up, partially obscured by the progress dialog. So I moved it. The dialog, that is, not the message. And I saw this:


Dude, where's my progress bar?

How confused must the developer of this part of the installer have been to have built the progress bar as an entirely separate window? And how much more difficult must it have been to do it that way? I amused myself dragging the main dialog all over my desktop while the progress bar stayed resolutely where it was until the install completed.